Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Very Small View On Religion

I have a lot of different ways that I view religion. This is one of them.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say things along the lines of "hoping that God has something good in store for me" or that they are thankful for all that God has given them. Personally, I do not really believe that there is a God, which is maybe why this statement perturbs me, but I don't think that's why. If people want to believe in God then that's fine. I like that God can give people hope sometimes. But the aspect that I mentioned above leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I feel that sometimes people attribute their success to God, or if they are failing, they hope that God has something good coming up for them. I don't agree with that. To me, God has nothing to do with what happens in your life. If YOU want to succeed, then fight for what you care about, constantly strive to be better, put yourself out there, DO IT. And if you fail, don't expect that God is going to turn things around for you. It's all in YOUR mindset. Don't leave it up to someone else. If things in your life are not ideal, then make them ideal.

I think this is really frustrating to me because I strongly believe that your happiness and success is reliant on how happy and successful you CHOOSE to be. Nearly everyone is a bottomless pit of potential, but most people choose to waste it or to be unhappy about things when instead they could focus on the bright parts of life. The problem I mentioned earlier aligns with the fact that I feel like people sometimes put too much faith in God, hoping that God will bring them success and happiness, rather than bringing it upon themselves.

And a small disclaimer: While I have many qualms with religion, I do appreciate some of the morals it teaches and the hope it can give to people. If you disagree with me, I hope you can see from my perspective.

1 comment:

  1. dude, I COMPLETELY agree. You just articulated some of the same thoughts I have about religion, individual choice and faith. THANK YOU!
