Monday, April 5, 2010

What Next?

In the span of less than three months, five countries have been impacted by pretty severe earthquakes -- sometimes devastating. I'm not superstitious and I don't think that things happen for a "reason" necessarily, but a part of me feels like this is only the beginning and the universe has a lot more in store for us.

It's also pretty crazy that all of these natural disasters have been earthquakes. Seismologists must be working 'round the clock trying to figure all of this out. Maybe they knew the earthquakes were going to hit. But maybe they are just as puzzled as we are.

And we shrug at the idea that all of these 'quakes could soon become an overwhelming problem for the earth, but I'm sure the dinosaurs thought the same of the air when it first got a little chilly. At the time dinosaurs existed, people hadn't come into play yet, right? Maybe one day mankind will be wiped away, too, and in time a new being will sprout up like we did. Sounds silly, but is it really that far-fetched? I think we like to laugh at things sometimes because they seem less realistic that way. And maybe I'M being unrealistic, but I think this is all crazy interesting and I'm excited and a little bit nervous to see how things unfold. Maybe I'm reading too much into things. I do that a lot.

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