Friday, February 5, 2010


A quick thought:

By now, I have done 15 SPOP interviews, with each one being vastly different than the others. But during each interview, I notice different things about the individuals, but also the group dynamic. Sometimes, people I personally know that are bubbly and great and interesting, will appear bored, more nervous, and awkward in their interview. For a while, it made me question why that was. But now I've noticed that it largely has to do with the group that each individual is put in -- the other people in their interview. If the majority of the group is energetic and excited, then everyone else seems to perk up more, too. The energy is contagious. If not, then the interview is pretty drab and routine -- there doesn't seem to be much life in it.

I guess this thought stood out to me the most because it reminded me about how each person in our lives has a profound impact on who we allow ourselves to become. If our friends are restraining, then we are restrained. If they choose to be free and open, then we feel safe following suit. My point here is that our lives are created by a little piece of everyone we know. It's like all of our friends, acquaintances, co-workers, bosses, etc toss a tiny ingredient of themselves into a giant bowl of you.

In order to be happy, passionate, wise, anything...we must surround ourselves with people that constantly exhibit those beautiful traits.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. Friends are a huge influence on our actions, thoughts, reactions. I constantly think about this. How
    different would we all be if we didn't have the friends we have? How different would our lifestyle choices be?

    There is a major emotional connection between all people...its crazy. It's funny how it happens all throughout life but its intensified in situations like interviews. Its like someone got a giant microscope and focused on the awkward, emotionally fluctuating interactions between a few people.

    Thanks for the motivating and helpful words earlier. You are definitely a major source of inspiration.

    "We must surround ourselves with people that constantly exhibit those beautiful traits." ;) definitely.
