Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Tonight as I was eating dinner, I sat down in the living room to stare at the TV for a few minutes as I ate. I didn't bother to change the channel, and the show that was playing had something to do with weddings (which, by the way, play almost nonstop in my house...). But at first I thought the show was funny because it picked apart weird things that people do at their weddings or funny things that happened. But then there was a couple that had their wedding at a cemetery and the bride wore a black dress, among other "gothic" aspects to their big day. And the comedians and satirists on the show were just ripping this couple apart. And it made me really sad. Sometimes I can't tell if I'm sad because of what they're saying, or because for a second, I was saying those things in my head, too, before I caught myself and realized how ridiculous it is for me to dictate other people's lives based on my own ideas. I wish it was more of a standard for people to be and do whatever they want, without fear or social restrictions of being labeled as different in some way.

On another note, I am trying to smile at everyone that I walk past for the rest of the week. I usually do anyway, but not to this extent. Hopefully I don't forget or feel awkward. I always feel warm and happy when a random person smiles at me as they walk by.

1 comment:

  1. :) I love smiling at random people as they walk by

    a little internal present...definitely
